
At Your Leisure

Discover the United States of Adventure on the Longest-Running Outdoor Recreation Program in Television History

About Us

At Your Leisure is a family oriented outdoor and travel show focused on the western United States. Our weekly itinerary includes both motorized and non-motorized destinations and activities, cool new product reviews and suggestions on how to get the most of a weekend or week in the west. At Your Leisure is celebrating its 22nd season of broadcasting. We are all driven by a love for not only the outdoors, but our jobs. We love bringing the adventure to you, and hopefully helping you get out there and create your own adventure!

Sticker Contest

It's easy to enter to win great prizes every week!

Just pickup an AYL sticker from Steadman’s Recreation in Tooele, Jorgensen’s Powersports in Richfield, Big Mountain Lodge in Ferron, or any Eagles Landing location, or send a self addressed, stamped envelope to PO Box 71631 Cottonwood Heights 84171, and we’ll send them to you. Stick it on your OHV, car, truck, cooler, helmet, bicycle, RV, boat or anything you use when you recreate outdoors.
After you stick it to something, take a picture of the sticker and email it to socialmedia@ayltv.com with your name and your city.
Watch At Your Leisure on ABC 4 or You Tube each week to see our sticker winner announcement. If you win, call us at 801-947-8888 to claim your prize.
Prizes Include:
$400 Gift Certificate to Tunex
Clearly Tough Windshield
Camp Chef Stove
Tickets to Off Road Events
Eagles Landing Gift Certificate

Where To Watch