Season 20 Playlist

52 Videos

This weekend, Kevin and Gina head out on yet another amazing trail during the #OHV50 anniversary in the Cove Mountain Range for the Richfield to Koosharem OHV Trail. We went through the north side of the range through Glenwood for a fresh take on this route. This trail is also known as Paiute Side Trail (PST) 42, and it provides amazing mountain views, plenty of wildlife, wildflowers galore and charming small towns ready to explore.

In this week’s “Where To,” we take a leisurely adventure through one of the most beautiful motorcycle rides anywhere in the US. The Nebo Loop traverses through spectacular mountains, winding roads and red rock cliffs that engage your machine and pump up the fun factor. Get in a ride before the gates close in late October!

Van Goes has been working hard fixing up the Funhous for the latest update on great RV restoration of 2021 in this week’s “What’s New” segment. They pop on some fresh new doors and a splash of shiny new paint design for an all-American look that reminds us of something.

In this week’s “Along the Way,” we meet up with the Chua family, who has made it a tradition to participate in the Paiute Trail Jamboree. For them, it’s the beautiful, well-maintained trails that set this event apart but it’s also the awesome food, raffles and family togetherness that makes this the one to come back to.

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